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Exam (2009) Full Movie

Exam (2009) Full Movie


In an alternate Britain, eight mandatory candidates dress for what appears to be an employment assessment exam. The group enter a room and sit at individual desks. Each desk has a paper printed with the word "candidate" and a number from one to eight. The Invigilator, a representative of the company, DATAPREV, explains that the exam is 80 minutes and consists of only one question, but there are three rules: The candidates must not talk to him or the armed guard at the door, must not spoil their paper, and may not leave the room. If they do, they will be disqualified. The Invigilator asks them if they have any questions, then leaves.

As the exam starts, it turns out that the papers are otherwise blank. Within minutes, a Chinese candidate is disqualified for spoiling her paper by writing a phrase on it. After her ejection, the seven remaining candidates realize it is permissible to talk and collaborate since it was not forbidden by the rules. One candidate, "White," assigns nicknames to each candidate based on hair color and skin color: Black, Brown, Blonde, Brunette, Dark, and Deaf for the one candidate who does not speak or respond to the group. The few times Deaf communicates, it's in French and is confusing to the others.

In the hour that follows, the candidates use lights, bodily fluids, and fire sprinklers in attempts to reveal hidden text on their papers, to no avail. They speculate on the exam's purpose and the nature of the company whose identity is shrouded in mystery. Dark says that the CEO is highly secretive and has not been seen since the IPO. It is gradually revealed that the company is responsible for a miracle drug designed to treat a condition afflicting a large part of the population due to a viral pandemic. In the chaos, White takes control of the group and engineers the disqualifications of Brunette and Deaf for spoiled papers.

White also begins taunting the others, saying he has figured out the question but will not tell them. In response, Black punches White in the face, knocking him unconscious, and ties him to a chair. As White passes out, he pleads for his medication, implying he has the virus, but some of them do not believe him. Brown then turns his attention to Dark, who demonstrates a lot of knowledge about the company's internal workings, and eventually tortures her into revealing that she works for the company. It is revealed that Brown is a carrier of the disease. White then goes into convulsions, proving he has the disease. Dark pleads to the Invigilator for help and is disqualified.

Blonde retrieves the medication for White, which was stolen from him earlier by Brown, and uses it to revive him. The others release White and demand to know the question. White suggests that there is no question and the company will simply hire the last remaining candidate. Black steals the guard's gun, but it requires the guard's fingerprint to fire, giving White time to retrieve it.

White forces Brown to leave the room at gunpoint, disqualifying him, then forces Blonde to leave; as she exits the room, Blonde turns off the voice-activated lights, allowing Black to attack White. The lights come back on after Black is struck by a gunshot. Blonde hides in the hallway, still holding one foot inside the room, technically not having left the room.

Before White can kill her, the exam timer runs to zero. White then addresses the Invigilator, sure of his success, but is also disqualified. It is revealed that Deaf had earlier set the countdown forward by a few minutes. Blonde then remembers that Deaf had been using glasses and a piece of broken glass with an exam paper earlier. Taking the abandoned glasses, she finds the phrase "Question 1." on the exam paper in minuscule writing.

Blonde then realizes that Question 1 refers to the only question asked of the group by the Invigilator at the beginning of the test "Any questions?". Blonde simply answers "No." The Invigilator then enters and reveals that Deaf is actually the CEO of the company and a scientist rather than a businessman or administrator. Deaf's research had found the virus cure, but also discovered a method of rapid cell regeneration which is capable of curing both the virus and many other "stubborn mutations", literally "the gift of life" for millions of people. The bullet that hit Black contained this cure, reviving him.

With the desperate need for the drug and a limited supply at any one time, the company needed an administrator capable of making tough decisions with an attention to detail while showing compassion for her fellow man, all traits that Blonde displayed during the exam. Blonde eagerly accepts the job.

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